Good News: BISP New Payment Amount Announced |Check the Latest Update Here!

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BISP New Payment Amount Announced

The new payment under the BISP program has been raised to Rs. 12,500 from its previous level of Rs. 10,500. This increase is a response to the economic challenges faced by vulnerable households across Pakistan.

How to Register for BISP New Payment 2024

Registering for the enhanced BISP Roshan Gharana Program Schem is now more accessible than ever. Here’s how you can apply:

1.  Visit the BISP Office:

  • Head to your nearest BISP office to obtain a registration form. Fill out the form with your personal details.

2.  BISP Online Form 2024 Options:

  • If there’s no BISP office nearby, you can alternatively use the 8171 web portal or the 8171 SMS service to register from your home.

Eligibility Criteria for BISP Payment

Before applying for the BISP payment, ensure you meet these criteria:

  • Monthly Income Check: Your monthly income should be less than Rs. 50,000 to qualify for the program.
  • Clean Past Record: Having a criminal record may disqualify you from receiving BISP benefits.

Confirm Your Registration

Understanding the registration process is crucial to avoid any complications. Ensure you follow the steps carefully to successfully register and receive your financial support.

BISP Amount Update Details

Stay updated with the latest information regarding the BISP payment increase. The government’s decision to raise the amount aims to alleviate financial burdens and improve livelihoods.

Quick Details Table

Program NameBenazir Income Support Programme (BISP)
Updated Payment AmountRs. 12,500 (increased from Rs. 10,500)
Registration MethodsVisit BISP office; Use 8171 web portal or SMS service
Eligibility CriteriaMonthly income below Rs. 50,000; Clean criminal record
Purpose of IncreaseAddress rising inflation; Provide better support to needy families
Government InitiativeResponse to economic challenges faced by vulnerable households in Pakistan

This structured summary provides essential details about the BISP new payment announcement, ensuring clarity and accessibility for those seeking financial assistance through the program.



  • The BISP payment amount was increased from Rs. 10,500 to Rs. 12,500 in response to the rising inflation in Pakistan. This adjustment aims to provide enhanced financial support to families facing economic hardships.

2.  How can one register for the BISP new payment?

  • Registration for the BISP new payment can be done by visiting a BISP office to fill out a registration form with personal information. Alternatively, individuals can use the 8171 web portal or SMS service if no office is nearby.

3.  Who is eligible to apply for the BISP payment?

  • To qualify for the BISP payment, individuals must have a monthly income of less than Rs. 50,000 and should have a clean criminal record. Those meeting these criteria can proceed with the registration process to receive financial assistance.


The increase in the BISP payment amount to Rs. 12,500 reflects the government’s commitment to supporting vulnerable populations amidst economic challenges. By raising the financial aid, the government aims to alleviate financial burdens and improve the quality of life for eligible recipients. The simplified registration process, including online options, enhances accessibility for applicants across Pakistan, ensuring that more individuals in need can benefit from this vital social support initiative.

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