Big News: BISP PMT Score Program Update 2024

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BISP PMT Score Program

The Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) is a crucial initiative in Pakistan aimed at providing financial assistance to underprivileged families. The program’s eligibility criteria are based on a Poverty Measurement Tool (PMT) score, which is an essential component for determining the beneficiaries. This article provides the latest updates and insights into the BISP PMT Score Program for 2024.Read: CM Punjab Launches Punjab Citizen Centric Helpline


Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) in 2024 introduces significant changes to the Proxy Means Test (PMT) score program. This revision aims to enhance the accuracy and fairness of beneficiary selection, ensuring that financial aid reaches the most deserving households. The updated PMT score will incorporate new socio-economic indicators and data points to better reflect the current living conditions of applicants. Additionally, the program will now feature improved mechanisms for data verification and periodic reassessment to maintain the integrity and efficacy of support distribution.

BISP PMT score program as of June 2024

There aren’t any major changes announced to the BISP PMT score program as of June 2024. This means the current eligibility criteria, where a score of 32 or below qualifies you for benefits, remains the same. BISP is however focusing on improving transparency and verification in the program to ensure those who truly need help receive it.

What is the BISP PMT Score Program?

The PMT score is a pivotal element in accessing BISP’s financial aid. A PMT score of 32 or below qualifies households to receive benefits. The score is derived from a comprehensive household survey evaluating several factors, including:

  1. Land Ownership: The size and type of landholdings.
  2. Housing Characteristics: The condition, materials used, and ownership status of the dwelling.
  3. Household Assets: Ownership of durable goods such as televisions, motorcycles, and refrigerators.
  4. Livestock Ownership: The number and types of livestock owned by the household.
  5. Income and Expenditures: Details of household income sources and spending patterns.

Key Updates for 2024

The BISP PMT Score Program has seen several updates to ensure accurate targeting and support for the most needy families in Pakistan. These updates are essential for current beneficiaries and those seeking to understand their eligibility status.Read:TEVTA Free IT Courses for Youth Development in Punjab

BISP PMT Score Program

How to Check BISP PMT Payment Online

Although you cannot directly check the BISP payment amount online, there are methods to verify your BISP status, which indirectly helps you understand your payment details. Here’s how you can proceed:

  1. Visit the Official BISP Website: Use the BISP official portal to enter your CNIC number and check your status.
  2. SMS Service: Send your CNIC number to the designated BISP SMS service to receive status updates.
  3. Helpline: Contact the BISP helpline for direct inquiries and assistance.

Quick Details

Eligibility Score32 or below
Survey FactorsLand ownership, housing, assets, livestock, income, expenses
Verification MethodsOfficial website, SMS service, helpline


Q1: What is the PMT score threshold for BISP eligibility?

The threshold score for BISP eligibility is 32 or below.

Q2: How is the PMT score calculated?

The PMT score is calculated based on a household survey assessing land ownership, housing conditions, household assets, livestock, and income and expenditure patterns.

Q3: Can I check my BISP payment amount online?

No, you cannot check the payment amount directly online, but you can verify your status through the official website, SMS service, or helpline.

Q4: What should I do if my PMT score is above 32 but I need financial assistance?

If your score is above 32, you may not qualify for BISP. However, you can explore other social welfare programs offered by the government.

Q5: How often is the PMT survey conducted?

The PMT survey is typically conducted periodically to ensure updated and accurate data collection for assessing eligibility.


The BISP PMT Score Program is a significant initiative to support the financially distressed families in Pakistan. Understanding the PMT score and the eligibility criteria is crucial for beneficiaries and those seeking to apply. Stay informed with the latest updates and use the available resources to verify your status and benefits. For more detailed information and regular updates, keep visiting the official BISP website or contact their helpline.Read:Government of Pakistan Hajj Scheme

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