Latest Update: Ehsaas Program Documents Verification at the Tehsil Office 2024

Latest Update: Ehsaas Program Documents Verification at the Tehsil Office 2024

The Ehsaas Rashan Program is an essential initiative by the Government of Pakistan designed to ensure food security for vulnerable households nationwide. For 2024, a notable update is the Muft Rashan scheme in Punjab, providing Rs. 5000 to eligible households. This guide covers the program’s objectives, eligibility criteria, registration process, benefits, and the latest updates.

Ehsaas Program Documents Verification

In 2024, the Ehsaas Program has introduced a streamlined document verification process at Tehsil offices to ensure efficient and accurate beneficiary enrollment. Eligible individuals must visit their nearest Tehsil office with their original CNIC and any necessary supporting documents for verification. This initiative aims to minimize fraud and ensure that aid reaches the truly deserving. Trained staff at the Tehsil offices will assist applicants through the verification process. Regular updates regarding verification schedules and additional requirements are communicated through the official Ehsaas website and local media channels.

Overview of the Ehsaas Rashan Program

The Ehsaas Rashan Program aims to alleviate hunger and provide financial support to the economically disadvantaged. It is part of a broader social safety net initiative, the Ehsaas Kafalat Program, which offers financial assistance to those in need. Below, we outline the necessary steps for verifying eligibility and the required documentation.

Verification Process at Tehsil Office

To benefit from the Ehsaas Kafalat Program, individuals must undergo a verification process at the nearest Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) Tehsil Office. Here’s how it works:

  1. Visit the Tehsil Office: Go to your nearest BISP Tehsil Office.
  2. Submit Required Documents: Approach the designated guide and submit the necessary documents.
  3. Document Verification: The guide will verify the documents.
  4. Receive SMS Confirmation: If eligible, you will receive a confirmation via SMS to your provided mobile number (SMS 8171).
  5. Program Inclusion: Successful applicants will be included in the program within a few days.

Necessary Documentation

To complete the verification process, the following documents are required:

  • Identity Card
  • Disability Identification Card (if applicable)
  • Death Certificate of Husband (for widows)
  • Utility Bills (gas, electricity)
  • Children’s Bay Form
  • Proof of Income

Eligibility Requirements for Ehsaas Kafalat

The Ehsaas Kafalat Program is aimed at individuals facing financial hardship. Eligibility criteria include:

  • Living below the poverty line
  • Unemployment
  • Monthly income less than Rs. 60,000
  • PMT (Poverty Means Test) score below 32
  • No history of international travel
  • Priority given to women abandoned by husbands

Latest Update for 2024

For 2024, the key update is the announcement of a Rs. 5000 payment under the Muft Rashan scheme in Punjab. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Visit Your Nearest Tehsil Office: They handle document verification for the program.
  2. Bring Required Documents: Ensure you have all the necessary documentation.
  3. Consultant Verification: A designated consultant will review your documents.
  4. Receive SMS Confirmation: If your documents are verified and you meet eligibility requirements, you’ll receive an SMS confirmation via 8171.
  5. Program Inclusion: Following verification, you might be included in the program within a few days.


How can you verify your eligibility?

  • Eligibility verification: Visit the nearest Tehsil Office and submit the required documents.
  • Confirmation: Receive an SMS if your documents are verified and you meet the eligibility criteria.

Quick Details Table

Program NameEhsaas Rashan Program
Initiative ByGovernment of Pakistan
2024 UpdateRs. 5000 under Muft Rashan scheme in Punjab
Verification LocationNearest BISP Tehsil Office
Required DocumentsIdentity Card, Disability ID Card (if applicable), Death Certificate of Husband (for widows), Utility Bills, Children’s Bay Form, Proof of Income
Eligibility CriteriaLiving below poverty line, Unemployment, Monthly income < Rs. 60,000, PMT score < 32, No international travel, Priority for abandoned women
Contact MethodSMS confirmation via 8171
Inclusion TimelineWithin a few days after verification

By following the outlined steps and ensuring all required documentation is submitted, eligible individuals can take advantage of the support provided by the Ehsaas Kafalat Program.


Participation in the Ehsaas Kafalat Program begins with verifying one’s eligibility through the prescribed process. By visiting the Tehsil Office and completing the necessary documentation, individuals can become eligible for financial assistance under the Benazir Kafalat Program, thereby alleviating their financial burdens.

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