Exciting News: Ehsaas Taleemi Stipends Initiative for New Eligible Parents 2024

The Ehsaas Taleemi Stipends initiative has been launched to support children from low-income families by providing educational scholarships. This program aims to ease the financial burden on families and ensure that children receive the education they deserve.

Quick Details

InitiativeEhsaas Taleemi Stipends for New Registration
Amount6000 rupees per child
EligibilityParents enrolled in Ehsaas Kafalat Program (2024)
Enrollment ProcessVisit nearest Ehsaas Kafalat Center
Documentation RequiredNational ID card, Children’s B-form, Mother’s ID card
VerificationSchool principal’s verification
Additional BenefitDouble Taleemi scholarship for eligible parents
ConditionsChild’s school attendance > 70%

Introduction to Ehsaas Taleemi Stipends

The Ehsaas Taleemi Stipends program has commenced with an installment of 6000 rupees. It targets children from deserving and low-income families, helping them to pursue their education without financial constraints. Parents who are part of the Ehsaas Kafalat Program for 2024 can register their children for these educational scholarships. Notably, children of parents who are newly enrolled in the Ehsaas Kafalat program will receive double the educational stipends.

Enhanced Support for Educational Duties

The government has increased the stipend amount under the Ehsaas Education Scholarship to 6000 rupees per child. This initiative is designed to encourage school attendance and improve educational outcomes for children from low-income families.

How to Register for Ehsaas Taleemi Stipends

To enroll in the Ehsaas Educational Stipends Program, parents should visit the nearest Ehsaas Kafalat Center. The steps for registration are as follows:

  1. Visit the Nearest Ehsaas Center: Inform the representative about the registration for the Ehsaas Education Stipend.
  2. Submit Necessary Documents: Provide your National Identity Card, your child’s B-form, and the mother’s ID card to the representative.
  3. Obtain Registration Form: Fill out the registration form and get it verified by your child’s school principal.
  4. Return the Form: Submit the verified form back to the Ehsaas Kafalat Center.
  5. Verification Process: Wait for the verification process to complete.
  6. Receive Eligibility SMS: Once you receive an eligibility SMS, visit the nearest HBL E Connect store to collect your child’s education stipend.

Additional Benefits and Conditions

Parents newly enrolled in the Ehsaas Kafalat program will receive double the educational stipend. However, to qualify, children must maintain a school attendance rate of over 70%. This condition ensures that the stipend is effectively utilized for educational purposes and encourages regular school attendance.


The Ehsaas Taleemi Stipends initiative is a significant step by the Pakistani government to support the education of children from low-income families. By providing financial assistance, the program aims to reduce dropout rates and promote educational continuity. Parents eligible for the Ehsaas Sponsorship Program are encouraged to register their children promptly and ensure they meet the attendance requirements to receive the full benefits of the program.

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